Why Edens Garden Chose to Offer a True Perfume

by Grace Martin June 12, 2018

Why Edens Garden Chose to Offer a True Perfume

Here at EG, we noticed that many consumers purchase mainstream perfumes due to the misconception that it’s the only option available. Unfortunately, many of these readily available products contain harmful chemicals and potentially toxic synthetic fragrances. We decided that our customers deserve better, so we’ve launched a new kind of aroma experience. Free of chemical toxins, our six natural essential oil perfumes are derived purely from nature.

We know that shopping for perfumes can be overwhelming. With so many names out there - perfume, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, cologne - it’s easy to see why things can get confusing. Various classifications of perfumes can be easily differentiated by the concentration of aromatic compounds within them. For instance:

  • Parfum 20 – 45%
  • Eau de Parfum 15 – 20%
  • Eau de Toilette 5 – 15%
  • Eau de Cologne 3 – 5%
  • Eau Fraîche < 3%

While there is no official standard, the percentages applied to the many perfume types have been widely accepted by the perfume industry. The intensity and longevity of the aroma decreases as the percentage of fragrance compounds decreases, making true perfumes more expensive and longer lasting. Our long-standing commitment to quality led us to formulate each Natural Perfume at a 20% concentration of pure essential oils. Not only does the high concentration make for a more compelling aroma, our Natural Perfume can last up to 12 hours.

Here is a further breakdown of the differences between perfume classes:

Parfum (20 - 45%)  

The most renowned and rare of all aromatic concentrations, Parfum also goes by the pseudonyms “perfume extract”, “parfum extrait”, “extrait de parfum” and the classic, “perfume”. Though the concentration has a relatively wide range up to 45%, typical parfums tend to feature a 20-25% range. It’s because of this copious concentration that parfums should be applied sparingly. True perfumes, like the Edens Garden Natural Perfumes, require less application, and are meant for a more intimate experience. When you leave the room, so does your scent. The lower alcohol content also makes these perfumes more suitable for sensitive skin types.

Eau de Parfum (15-20%)

Eau de Parfum (sometimes referred to as EDP) boasts a concentration range up to 20%, but typically carries around 15%. These variations tend to have a wafting characteristic due to the higher amount of alcohol that evaporates the fragrance into the air. Depending on the concentration, these types can last 6-8 hours. Eau de parfums are the most commonly available fragrance variations, and are often the highest concentration a perfumer will carry due to their affordability.

Eau de Toilette (10-15%)

With a staying power around 4-6 hours, eau de toilettes are designed for multiple applications throughout the day. The high level of alcohol leads to an aroma that greets the entire room, but they are not without value. These splash-it-on style fragrances can be delightful for summer wear, as all perfume varieties tend to dissipate quickly in the heat anyway. Typically sitting at the 10% concentration mark, eau de toilette is the more budget-friendly fragrance variety on the market that largely features top notes like citrus and florals.

Eau de Cologne (3-5%)

Eau de Cologne has become one of the more confusing varieties on the market, since the name has become synonymous with men’s fragrance. Traditionally, cologne was the name for low concentration fragrance compounds consisting primarily of light bodied aromas with a citrusy head. Its fragrance typically only lasted 3-4 hours at an inexpensive price. Nowadays, cologne can be a parfum, eau de parfum, or eau de toilette simply named so in order to be marketed towards men. True eau de cologne is best used as a fresh spritz directly after bathing.

Eau Fraîche (up to 3%)

Often referred to as “aftershave”, eau fraîche is typically made up of mostly water, with lower amounts of alcohol. Similar to traditional eau de cologne, eau fraîche is meant for dabbing on during or after bathing. It’s original purpose as an aftershave has been largely replaced with more modern applications, but it is still noted for its cleansing and refreshing abilities. The low concentration of aromatic compounds leads to a shorter lifespan on the skin, usually around 1-3 hours.

Since there are so few true perfumes on the market, we felt compelled to include a natural perfume to our collection with 100% pure essential oils. Their strength and longevity, combined with the therapeutic properties, makes for an overall great value. The EG Natural Perfume was created to work with your body chemistry to create a signature aroma unique to you.

Aromatic Concentration Infographic

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